Banks Encourage Savings

Published in the April 2023 Penny Bank Post | Written by Fellow Collecting Friend

When my parents gave me a bank as a child, what it did for me was to encourage me to save money. The bank was an interesting receptacle in which to deposit any coins I earned for doing extra chores. As the bank grew heavier, I knew I was accumulating money for use at a future date to spend on something special.

Banks have a history, they tell a story, and each bank has a meaning to the folks who own them. The term “Bank It” was derived from the use of still banks. Savings through a bank is a virtue which we should pass on to our children and grandchildren. Giving a bank as a gift to our children encourages them to learn about saving and the meaning of money and thrift. A Sedaka Bank in the Jewish faith is a bank used by children to save money to give to those less fortunate. On Halloween we used a milk carton to save pennies for UNICEF.

The term “Break the Bank” was used when . . .


An Unusual Flatiron Building Bank